Major Robert F. Burns

90th Division, U.S. Army


War Letters from Europe

Normandy to Germany

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358th Infantry Typed History

July 9, 1944
July 10, 1944
July 11, 1944
July 12, 1944
July 13, 1944
July 14, 1944
July 15, 1944
July 16, 1944
July 17, 1944
July 18, 1944
July 19, 1944
July 20, 1944
July 21, 1944
July 22, 1944
July 23, 1944
July 24, 1944
July 25, 1944
July 26, 1944
July 27, 1944
July 28, 1944
July 29, 1944
July 30, 1944
July 31, 1944

358th Infantry Typed History

July 9-July 31, 1944

28 July 1944

HISTORY - 358th Infantry

Orders for the Day: the Excerpted FO No. 16, 90th Div Follows:

Hq 90th Inf Div
272300B July 1944

FO No. 16

1. b. VIII Corps, 4 Div's abreast, (79th, 8th, 90th, 83rd) from right to left attack at 280530B July 1944 to seize objectives to the South.

2. 90th Inf. Div

  atchd: 712th Tnk Bn
    607th TD Bn (T)
    537th AAA (AW) Bn (M)
    Co A 86th Cml Bn
    687th FA Bn

Attack at 280530B July to drive south and join troops of the U.S. V Corps. Formations, Bdrys, Phase Lines, Scheme of Maneuver: See overlay. LD: Present Front lines.

3. c. 358th Inf.

  attached: Co "A" and Mortar Plat, 712th Tnk Bn.
    In Div Res in present location.



This was the basic plan for the 358th Infantry. By 0115, all battalions had closed in. All vehicles were in their proper areas. AT Defenses were completed. Liaison was functioning within the regiment and adjacent units. 1st and 2nd Bns were notified to be on the alert for small groups of Germans on their left front.

At 0200, the following message was received:

"CO 358th Inf. Desire you report to this Hq any attempt by GAF fighters - particularly FW 190's - use rockets. CG, 90th Div."

By 0245, the regiment received the "Big Picture" overlay. The Bns were warned to stay off the black top in front of 358th areas. AT Co and guns were warned that friendly tanks would cross our area in the early morning. Bns were instructed to have Ln O's at the CP by 0530 for instruction.

At 0815, Col. McNary was ordered to Division Hqs. Reports of assault units (adjacent and fwd) were received. All Bns and Sp Units alerted for movement on short notice.

At 0953, Col. McNary returned from Div with the order that the 358th infiltrate through the Arad column, and from thence to CATHELMAIS. Col. McNary, Lt. Col. Clarke, and Major Wallace made plans for the movement. Capt Shipe and Lt. Hougen were detailed on a road and rout recon.

Plans and orders were given to all units. Each unit reconnoitered their area for best route out.

At 1105, Gen. Landrum arrived at the CP. Capt Shipe reported that PERIERS was in complete ruins and slowing down the advance of the Arad. Column. Gen. Landrum then contacted the Traffic Control Point at PERIERS for details of the stoppage.

At 1120, 1st Bn received its orders - move at 1145. to MILLE DIABLAS. IP route was also given them. 2nd Bn was then given their orders, to MILLE DIABLAS, and their IP and route. Units to keep in contact by radio.

At 1140, Div was informed by Major Nichols that a bulldozer was needed. Large craters in the roads need immediate attention before traffic could pass. By 1205, an overlay showing routes, IP's, TD's was prepared to send to all units.

At 1315, Col. McNary ordered CP closed and stated: "We will hold vehicles and move forward footwise - the roads are too congested." By 1445, the New CP (near CATHELMAIS) was functioning. Troops were now on Div Objectives. COUTANCES was definitely captured. Division now had a new limited objective. However, a gap existed between COUTANCES and CATHELMAIS, and their was a possibility that the enemy had penetrated this gap.

Snipers were reported, (some in civilian clothes) and corrective measures were immediately taken. An American plane had recently crashed in this area and the bodies of the crew and the wreckage of the plane were strewn all over the area. The location of the bodies was reported to the GRO, Lt. Ackel.

At 1600, the 3rd Bn, which was to "close in" in one half hour, was instructed not to dig in "too deep" as the regiment might move soon.

By 1625, the Bns had closed in, less vehicles.

By 2000, the I&R platoon had been sent out to recon roads forward. 15 enemy aircraft were reported to be operating in the vicinity. Three prisoners were taken in the 3rd Bn motor pool. An urgent message (German) to forward elements was intercepted. Lt. Byron J. Clarke was credited as being the first American to enter PERIERS! The 1st Div was directly in front of the 357. The 358 was instructed they would very likely "stay put" for the night.

At 2030, 2nd Bn reported a 155mm AA outfit was moving into his outfit. The 712th Tk Bn was released to Bn control. bns were notified to post local security as they would remain in position over night.

Overlays of Bn positions were now received; at 2340 an enemy plane flew over the area. AA units and all available 50's opened up. It got away, only to return - no fire was thrown at the plane the second time and after circling the area three or four times he went away.

At 2345, Gen. Landrum phoned. Major Wallace informed him about the mopping up of the island and added that the Reg't would send out reconnaissance parties early in the morning to check on routes and assembly areas. Gen. Landrum now ordered that the Recon be made with a view to advance or support assault regiments. He stated, however, that no plans had been made for the 358th Inf. He also directed that every effort be made to improve morale.

29 July 1944

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