Major Robert F. Burns

90th Division, U.S. Army


War Letters from Europe

Normandy to Germany

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Letters from France

June 22, 1944
June 29, 1944
June 29, 1944 (2nd)
July 6, 1944
July 17, 1944
August 10, 1944
August 14, 1944
August 25, 1944
September 1, 1944
September 2, 1944
September 3, 1944
September 3, 1944 (2nd)
September 14, 1944
September 16, 1944
September 16, 1944 (2nd)
September 17, 1944
September 28, 1944
October 2, 1944
October 14, 1944
October 22, 1944
November 2, 1944
November 12, 1944
November 24, 1944
December 2, 1944
December 27, 1944

Letters from Luxembourg

January 9, 1945
January 16, 1945
January 20, 1945

Letter from Belgium

February 7, 1945

Letters from Germany

February 9, 1945
February 21, 1945
February 23, 1945
February 26, 1945
April 5, 1945
May 5, 1945

Letters from Czechoslovakia

May 10, 1945
May 16, 1945

Letters from Germany

May 19, 1945
May 20, 1945
May 24, 1945
June 3, 1945
June 22, 1945

Letters from France

June 30, 1945
July 3, 1945

Letters from Germany

July 14, 1945
July 27, 1945
July 30, 1945
August 3, 1945
August 14, 1945

Letters from France

August 26, 1945
August 28, 1945
August 29, 1945

Letters from Germany

September 9, 1945
September 11, 1945
September 13, 1945
September 15, 1945
September 17, 1945
September 23, 1945
September 27, 1945
October 1, 1945
October 9, 1945

Letters from France

October 13, 1945
October 15, 1945
October 22, 1945
November 5, 1945
November 17, 1945
November 17, 1945 (2nd)
November 23, 1945
November 30, 1945
December 17, 1945
December 17, 1945 (2nd)
December 18, 1945
December 26, 1945
January 2, 1946

Letters from Belgium

January 14, 1946
January 15, 1946
January 17, 1946
January 17, 1946 (2nd)

Letters from France

January 21, 1946
January 24, 1946


July 17, 1944

Dear Mom,

It's a little hard to write on a full stomach but that's literally what I am attempting to do. I am half-reclining on a bed with my writing pad propped on my knee, having just finished the best meal we've had in months.

We bought two calves, gathered some potatoes and beans and cider and had ourselves a treat. Best of all perhaps, were some slices of white bread, which we have received a couple of times since we pulled back for a rest.

Our last battle was really rough and I don't know yet how I came through unscratched. I wound up temporarily in command of three companies but now I am back on my old job.

Yesterday I took two war correspondents over the area we came through. One was from the "Chicago Times" but I don't recall his name. The other was from a news syndicate. After seeing them, I don't have too much faith in war correspondents in general. The Times man took my name and address so you may find it included somewhere in an article.

Your letter came the other day and today the one from Mrs Weymouth arrived which you sent.

Did I tell you I saw Lt. Josendale a few weeks ago? He still is liaison officer between Division and Corps and is getting about as fat as I was. Haven't seen him since though.

I still can't get used to these long daylight hours. It's almost 10:30 and just now getting dusky.

Back in the area we came through the French civilians are already filtering back into their shattered houses trying to pick up the thread of life from war's ruin. It's beyond me where they hide themselves when the fighting sweeps thorough their area.



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